I came across Rebecca Cooper's BLOG and was inspired to play along today. A simple photo taken this morning. Making a heartfelt pancake for dear son #2. It's worth the smile on his face when he reaches the table and sees it. It reminds him that he wants to store this easy recipe in his phone (did I forget to mention he's 16?) I've told him the story of this little pink square of paper peeking out from the photo below.
I had taken his older brother (a toddler at the time) over to play with the triplet sons of a friend. While we were there, this easygoing friend asked her boys what they wanted for lunch and they chimed, "Pankcakes!" Without batting an eye, she proceeded to make these easy pancakes. I had to have the recipe so I took a pink square of paper out of my purse. It was being used to remind me to pick up diapers while out. I scribbled these six ingredients on it and have saved it, as is, in my recipe box for all these years. Whenever I pull it out, I get a little nostalgic. The word "diapers" is still legible on the back. Those children are in college now and the little pink paper is getting worn but I can rest assured that the story and legacy will live on in my younger son's phone.
1/2 - 3/4 cup milk
2 tablespoons melted butter or margarine
1 egg
1 cup flour
2 teaspoons baking powder
2 tablespoons sugar
Mix dry ingredients together first. Fold in the rest.
Makes approx. 6 pancakes.
Have a wonderful Sunday....
Cindy (aka Scrapcollectr)
Won't you come back and share your workspace with us on What's on Tap Tuesday?
love this story! thanks for the recipe--haven't had pancakes in ages!
Super cute!
2 T ???
OH there you go, making me want to cry again! LOL! With my son turning 5 next month I have just been so mushy and really trying to appreciate each moment with him. Thanks for the reminders to cherish every moment :) Sometimes we forget to slow down and enjoy the small stuff!
Cool shot! And cool recipe for the french i am... I Will try it with my childs.... But what's is the T for? tea spoon?
Love the story that goes with your photo!
Following the hearts from Random Hearts to your place- Super cute-
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